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Filmer och Musik  ·  Sverige
New Kids On The Block, Step by step, vinyl-LP,
Togs bort för 12 år sedan - Till försäljning i 5 år
New Kids On The Block, Step by step, vinyl-LP, Step one: 1. Step by step 2. Tonight 3. Baby, I believe in you 4. Call it what you want 5.Let´s try it again 6. Happy birthday Step two: 1.Games 2- Time is on our side 3. Where do I go from here? 4. Stay with me baby 5. Funny feeling 6. Never gonna fall in love again Skivan i bra skick, FRI FRAKT, Betalning till plusgiro.
83 kr
First steps in Ballet
Togs bort för 10 år sedan - Till försäljning i 5 år
First Steps in Ballet is the ideal book for all readers who have an interest in ballet or who may actually be going to classes themselves. Beginning with the five basic positions of the feet, this delightful book covers barre exercises, centre work, pointe work, costumes, dance notation and mime. Every position and pose is clearlv illustrated by a selection of specially-taken photographs. Also included are the stories of famous ballets such as Swan Lake, Romeo and Juliet and Ihe Nutcracker Suite and these are complemented by superb colour photographs of some of the world's greatest dancers, including Rudolph Nureyev, Margot Fonteyn and Lynn Seymour. Dek. laminatbd. Tresure Press, 1979, 95 sid. Fint skick.
90 kr
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
Togs bort för 11 år sedan - Till försäljning i 2 år
A co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous tells how members recover and how the society functions. Alcoholics Anonymous World Services Inc, 1984. Inbunden i gott skick med skyddsomslag i gott skick, men lite bleknat och små revor. 192 sidor, 21x14 cm, 340 gr. "This book is one of the primary texts for recovery. This book, called the 12 & 12 around here, is the best available source for studying the Steps in more detail. Of course, the Big Book ("Alcoholics Anonymous") is the place to start and it contains the program of action required to attain and maintain sobriety". "This is a terrific book whether or not you consider yourself to be an alcoholic. It's a great guide on how to live your life productively and peacefully. In terms of building relationships with others, this beats most self help books out there".
45 kr

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