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Böcker och Litteratur  ·  Kungsholmen
Studentlitteratur, reklam/PR/ekonomi/data
Togs bort för 13 år sedan - Till försäljning i 2 månader
Studentlitteratur säljes. De flesta är i princip i nyskick, vissa märks det att jag har bläddrat lite i. Pris? Billigt vid snabb affär. Skickar helst inte. Ring eller maila. Följande titlar indelade i ämnen de berör: Marknadskommunikation / PR / reklam / marknadsanalys / branding: Marketing research - tool & techniques, (Second Edition) Nigel Bradley Brand management - research, theory and practice, Tilde Heding Charlotte F. Knudtzen Mogens Bjerre Märken och människor, Anders Bengtsson & Jacob Östberg Influence - science and practice, Robert B. Cialdini Experiment med människor, Magnus Söderlund Using Communication Theory, (Second Edition) Sven Windahl Benno Signitzer Jean T Olsson Klassisk Retorik För Vår Tid, Janne Lindqvist Grinde Semiotics - the basics, (Second Edition) Daniel Chandler Strategic Brand Management - A European Perspective, Kevin Lane Keller Tony Apéria Mats Georgson Statistiska metoder, Svante Körner & Lars Wahlgren SPSS - steg för steg, Lars Wahlgren Ekonomi / management: Strategy Safari, (Second Edition) Henry Mintzberg Bruce Ahlstrand Joseph Lampel Företagsekonomi 100, (Upplaga 15) Per-hugo Skärvad & Jan Olsson Data / systemvetenskap / interaktionsdesign / design: The Design Of Everyday Things, Donald A. Norman Design Av Informationsteknik, Jonas Löwgren & Erik Stolterman UML Distilled, (Third Edition) Martin Fowler Mobil Interaction Design, Matt Jones & Gary Marsden Human Computer Interaction, (Second Edition) Patric Dahlqvist & Ulrika Norman Web Development & Design Foundations with XHTML, (Fourth Edition) Terry Felke-Morris This Means This This Means That - a users guide to semiotics, Sean Hall
0 kr
Övrigt  ·  Stockholm
Kap & gersåg
Togs bort för 12 år sedan - Till försäljning i 5 dagar
gersåg med stativ kellen tools modell no-js2104 kapar upp till 200mm benstativ med förlägnings sidor total längd 2.50m går att vika ihopp dammsug inngår
2 000 kr
Övrigt  ·  Stockholm
Togs bort för 12 år sedan - Till försäljning i 1 månader
På grund av nedlagd snickerifirma säljes fräscha verktyg i bra skick!! Arbetslampa Spikpistol CNV300J (som ny) Pendelsticksåg "Kellen", använd 1 gång. Slagborren, Meec Tools Borr Atlas Copco Värmepistol Bosch (som ny) Hör av er för priser!
300 kr
Övrigt  ·  Uppsala
The Professional Chef
Togs bort för 11 år sedan - Till försäljning i 16 dagar
Amerikansk Handbok i kokkonsten, 8:e upplagan 2006 "A serious reference for serious cooks." -Thomas Keller, Chef and owner, The French Laundry Named one of the five favorite culinary books of this decade by Food Arts magazine, The Professional Chef® is the classic resource that many of America's top chefs have relied on to help learn their cooking skills. Now this comprehensive "bible for all chefs" (Paul Bocuse) has been thoroughly revised and expanded to reflect the way people cook and eat today. The book includes essential information on nutrition, food and kitchen safety, and tools and ingredients, as well as more than 640 classic and contemporary recipes plus variations. One hundred and thirty-one basic recipe formulas illustrate fundamental techniques and guide cooks clearly through every step, from mise en place to finished dishes. This edition features nearly 650 all-new four-color photographs of fresh food products, step-by-step techniques, and plated dishes taken by award-winning photographer Ben Fink. It explores culinary traditions of the Americas, Asia, and Europe, and includes four-color photographs of commonly used ingredients and maps of all regions. Written "with extreme vigor and precision" (Eric Ripert, Chef and co-owner, Le Bernardin), The Professional Chef® is an unrivaled reference and source of inspiration for the serious cook. The Culinary Institute of America (Hyde Park, NY, and St. Helena, CA) was founded in 1946. Known as the Harvard of cooking schools and credited with having "changed the way Americans eat" by The James Beard Foundation, the CIA has trained nearly 50,000 foodservice professionals.
200 kr
The Professional Chef
Togs bort för 11 år sedan - Till försäljning i 8 dagar
John Wiley & Sons. 8 uppl. 2006. 1232 s. Inbunden. 285 mmx228 mm. 3265 gram. Nära nyskick. Amerikansk Handbok i kokkonsten, 8:e upplagan 2006 "A serious reference for serious cooks." -Thomas Keller, Chef and owner, The French Laundry Named one of the five favorite culinary books of this decade by Food Arts magazine, The Professional Chef® is the classic resource that many of America's top chefs have relied on to help learn their cooking skills. Now this comprehensive "bible for all chefs" (Paul Bocuse) has been thoroughly revised and expanded to reflect the way people cook and eat today. The book includes essential information on nutrition, food and kitchen safety, and tools and ingredients, as well as more than 640 classic and contemporary recipes plus variations. One hundred and thirty-one basic recipe formulas illustrate fundamental techniques and guide cooks clearly through every step, from mise en place to finished dishes. This edition features nearly 650 all-new four-color photographs of fresh food products, step-by-step techniques, and plated dishes taken by award-winning photographer Ben Fink. It explores culinary traditions of the Americas, Asia, and Europe, and includes four-color photographs of commonly used ingredients and maps of all regions. Written "with extreme vigor and precision" (Eric Ripert, Chef and co-owner, Le Bernardin), The Professional Chef® is an unrivaled reference and source of inspiration for the serious cook. The Culinary Institute of America (Hyde Park, NY, and St. Helena, CA) was founded in 1946. Known as the Harvard of cooking schools and credited with having "changed the way Americans eat" by The James Beard Foundation, the CIA has trained nearly 50,000 foodservice professionals..
200 kr

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